Friday, February 24, 2012

Catabolism, therefore, provides a chemical ...

For related metabolic processes, see. Catabolism (Greek kata = down = + ballein throw) is a set of metabolic pathways that break down molecules into lasix drug heart smaller units and release. In catabolism, large molecules such as,,

, and divided into smaller units such as,, and, respectively. As molecules such as polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids consist of long chains of these little

units (mono = one = of + mayor), large molecules called

(poly = many). Cells use the monomers released from the destruction of polymers or construct new polymer molecules, or monomers further worsen the ordinary waste, releasing energy. Cellular wastes include,,,, and.

The creation of such waste is usually

process involving release of chemical free energy, some of which are lost, but the other part, which is used to control the synthesis

(ATP). This molecule acts as a means for cells to transfer the energy released during the catabolism of energy requires reactions that form. Catabolism, therefore, provides the chemical energy needed for maintenance and cell growth. Examples of catabolic processes include breakdown of muscle protein to amino acids for use

and destruction on the site. There are many signals that control catabolism. Most of the known signals

and molecules involved in themselves. Traditionally classified many hormones or catabolic, depending on the side of metabolism they stimulate. The so-called classic catabolic hormones known from the early 20th century, and

(and others). In recent decades, many other hormones, at least some catabolic effects were found, including

(also known as), and. [Many of these catabolic hormones give antykatabolycheskyy effect in muscle tissue. One study showed that the introduction of epinephrine (adrenaline) have been anti-proteolytic effect and actually inhibited catabolism rather than promote it. Another study showed that catecholamines in general (ie noradrenaline / norepinephrine and epinephrine / adrenaline) significantly decreased rate of muscle catabolism. [[.

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